Saturday, June 19, 2010

Korea is not Disappointed

Last Thursday was the World Cup match between Korea and Argentina. Korea didn't expect much on this game because everyone knows how good Argentina players are. But Koreans gave their support for Korean Team. Thousands of people gathered together in some places to cheer for the athletes.

My hubby and I had to work until 10p.m. at that time but then we left the office before 8 because the game started at 8:30. Usually, it only takes us 10-15 minutes from work to our home but at that time it took us more than 30 minutes because of the traffic. We were in a hurry because my hubby ordered chicken in the afternoon and told them to deliver it at 8:20. We arrived home at 8:15 but there was no chicken coming. At 9, my hubby called the restaurant and the owner said sorry because there was a lot of order. The chicken came after a few minutes. Argentina already made goals at that time so my hubby told me to just enjoy the chicken.

Korea Team lost with the score of 4-1 but Koreans don't lose their hope for their coming match next week.

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