Saturday, August 30, 2008

Be careful!

Yesterday, there was someone knocking on the door or good to say that she was hitting the door because she was knocking very hard that created a very loud sound. I was preparing lunch and my hubby was watering the grass (artificial grass). Just imagine us what we are wearing in this very hot weather so we hurried and put on clothes.

Hubby was talking to her at the cordless security phone looking at her face on the video monitor. She said she came to check out the gas. We paid a month for the management fee and checking the gas is one of them. But before they will check something they always put a noticed on the elevator so hubby was curious with this hajuma (old woman). He opened the door and told hajuma that it's ok not to check the gas. But hajuma was insisting and wanted to get inside but hubby refused.

My hubby said, she's strange and she's not the one who always checks out for the gas. Hubby called the security guard and told him about this hajuma. The security guard said there was no schedule yet for the gas service.

There were many people like hajuma who doorbelled and told us that they would check or fix something like gas, computer, running water, etc... That surprised us because those things don't need to be fixed.

I already saw this kind of things on tv. People go house to house and say that they would fix something and if you let them in, they just spy what is inside your house. Others steal or ask some money. I always pretend that nobody is at home when somebody doorbelled and see the unfamiliar face on the screen.

Be careful with this kind of people specially if you are living in Korea. Although some of them don't have any bad intention but i'm telling you again, be careful.

1 comment:

eunice said...

That's pretty scary. Better be safe than sorry man!