How long have you been blogging?
- I've been blogging for more than a year now.
What inspired you to write a blog, and who are your mentors?
- I've just decided to blog because i was inspired by the blogger friends who writes well. And i also want to share some pictures of my travel and share something about Korea.
What are the 3 things that you love about being online?
- Learning something about computers specially the html. Sharing and making money.
What are the three things that you struggle with in the online-world?
- Nothing in particular and i hope that i can't face any problem with it.
So i think it's time for you *chel*, *dauphine*, *deegee*, *elena* and *irel* to answer this tag. hehehe...
Abby wants to know about the 8 things that I am grateful for. Well, here they are in random order. I'm very grateful for---
1. My family who's always there for me whenever i need them.
2. Our good health. The good health of the whole family.
3. Having a loving, kind and understanding husband.
4. Providing all our needs including wants.
5. Our jobs.
6. For my in-laws who treat me as their real family.
7. For giving me the strenght to face all the problems, hindrances, and trials that i encountered.
8. For all the blessings that i have now, including my life and the lives of my whole family.
Now, its your turn--- *annie*, *bheng*, *bregie*, *byotipol2*, and *chalyza1*.
And last year, hehehehe....yes, last year i also got this award from Nova (thanks a lot sis, i really found the true blog buddy in you) and i'm passing this award to--- *retchel*, *pennylane*, *lynn*, *justine*, and *hailey*.

And this one is from Jean (wow, how kind of you to give me this award sis, thanks a lot!). Now, i'm passing this to--- *gen*, *yeye*, *summer*, *sexymom* and *rhon*.

hi sis. here's another tag for you. thanks for the visit. enjoy your day.
hi sis tnx for the award...
ui thanks ha..muwah
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